Friday, August 31, 2007

Hi all, how r u? hope everyone doing well... ok this is my 2nd post on dis blog n dis blog everything is about pig coz i'm a pig lover same as the name of dis blog hehe... ok let starts....

A pig has a snout for a nose, small eyes, and a small tail, which may be curly, kinked, or straight. It has a thick body and short legs. There are four toes on each foot, with the two large middle toes used for walking.

Who ever said pigs were dirty?? Actually, they are clean. The reason some people think they are dirty is due to the fact pigs like to roll in the mud. but, they like this mainly in the hot summer months. By rolling in the mud, this cools them off. Pigs are extremely sensitive to heat and can suffer from sunburn and heat stroke just like a person can. Wading in water and mud helps keep the pigs from getting over heated, also helps control parasites but, again, pigs do not like being in the mud 24 hours a day.

okay dis d end of story 4 today... see ya on d nest post.. have a nice weekend n God Bless You.... bubye...

nIa shared the story at 3:14 PM
